Histamonosis (Blackhead) Disease
Histamonas melagridis is a protozoan parasite mostly of turkeys and can affect other birds.
What is Histomonosis (Blackhead) Disease?
Histomonas melagridis is a protozoan parasite mostly of turkeys but can affect other birds such as chickens, pheasants, and other game birds. The parasite works with other bacterias to produce the condition of Blackhead. Turkeys are most affected by the disease and can result in high mortality rates in turkey flocks. The parasitic infection can be present in droppings, earthworms and other worm larvae. The incubation period of the parasite is 15-20 days.
Know the Signs
- Depression
- Reduced appetite
- Poor growth
- Increased thirst
- Sulphur-yellow diarrhea
- Listlessness
- Dry ruffled feathers
- Blue-ish colored head
Prevention & Treatment
Blackhead can currently only be treated by prevention. Separating infected poultry from the flock can help reduce the spread of the disease. De-worming the infected birds can also help reduce the spread because it will kill the worm parasites that are carriers of the disease. Good sanitation and biosecurity practices are strongly encouraged to also reduce the spreading of the Blackhead disease.